Monday, November 27, 2006

Snap of the Week: Oh Steelers!

My family cheers for the Pittsburgh Steelers. Their star quarterback, Ben Roethlisberger, grew up in my hometown (Findlay, Ohio) and then attended Miami University a few years after me. He led the team to the playoffs in his rookie year and helped them win the Super Bowl in his second year. Not bad. Although this season has proved to be anything but spectacular, the team continues to battle through each game.

I was excited to see them play in person for the first time this weekend in Baltimore. I was anxious to try out a new lens and hopefully snap some great action shots. I settled in to my seat, pulled out my camera and turned it on. But nothing happened. Turned it off and on again. Still nothing. I check the battery. Uh-oh. What battery? I left it at home in the charger. Oooops!

SNAP TIP: Second chances are scarce when it comes to photographing a special event. Learn from me and make yourself a check list and be diligent about going through it before you leave the house (camera, charged battery, charger, camera manual, etc). Packing your bag and setting your equipment out the night before is also a time saver and can help eliminate future frustrations.

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Holiday Cheer

Photos like this one keep me smiling during the hectic holiday rush. It's full of pure joy! Mr. Smiles wasn't a bit shy and was such a delight to photograph. Thank you!

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Happy Thanksgiving

My best wishes for a amazing holiday with family, friends, football and food! Don't forget to get your cameras out and snap a few photographs of your special day together.

Monday, November 20, 2006

Snap of the Week: Riding Bikes

The surge in sunshine and warm temperatures have drawn out the bikers. I've seen many of them out on the road lately, enjoying what may be the last bit of Fall before the winter snows come. I hope you're still able to enjoy your favorite outdoor Fall activity too! My neighbor was kind enough to slow down for me to snap a quick picture.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Snap Tip: Show and Tell

I love to photograph newborns. Capturing the serene moments of a baby at rest - snuggled close with soft wispy breaths. Those are the memories most often shared with family and friends. But infants aren't always at rest. As a mother, I can empathize with new parents as they beam with pride and joy as their eyes glaze with exhaustion. As a photographer, I try to capture all of the honest moments which tell the real story for years to come.

SNAP TIP: Don't be afraid to photograph and share the unexpected. Everyone expects to see the photograph of a newborn sleeping so sweetly or a toddler smiling brightly. Strive to snap pictures that will show and tell the entire story and offer a true look at life of your child. It doesn't always have to be glamorous to be album-worthy.

Monday, November 13, 2006

Snap of the Week: Little Kitty

I love baby animals. It's true. Ask anyone I know. They have the same warm innocence of a newborn child that you just want to wrap yourself up around. I like this photograph because of the story that unfolded after snapping the camera. The little boy wanted to show me his new kitty. I was surprised at how gently he was as he pat her back ... but within seconds the stillness was broken with squeals of excitement! It was true joy.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Snappy Business: Itsy Bitsy & Bold

I'm always on the hunt for unique clothing and gifts for kids and when I discovered
Itsy Bitsy & Bold
, I knew I had to share word of their goods with everyone!

The company is the brainchild of two entrepreneurial sisters who, although were busy running successful businesses of their own, weren't too busy to address the need for empowering our children with positive messages. I was lucky enough to provide photography services for the company, snapping pictures of very cute children wearing the brightly-colored hats and innovative t-shirts.

I know you will want to add these items to your holiday shopping "must haves." Check out the site - - for all of the products and specials.

glass-ceiling breaker

Monday, November 06, 2006

Snap of the Week: Blazing Color

This is one of my favorite times of the year in Maryland. Skies are sunny and blue, but the air begins to crisp and the leaves are full of color. Just driving to the grocery store rewards me with a wonderful, colorful show. Enjoy the quick peak in to our fall.

Sunday, November 05, 2006

I Sold Myself to the BLOG!

I've worked in the online and publishing industry for eight years and it was just a couple of years ago when I heard others using the word "blog." I'll admit, I was totally unimpressed. I couldn't figure out why anyone would want to write up an account of their daily thoughts and activities and certainly couldn't understand why anyone would take the time to read them! I've been humbled and I've been educated. Turns out blogging can be a very sophisticated and professional outlet for individuals and groups (and I'm not just saying that because I now have a blog!)

And so it begins. I'm now a blogger.

With this site I hope to offer a glimpse in to my world as a photographer, designer and mother. Enjoy regular features such as the Snap of the Week and Snap Tips - quick ideas for ways to improve your photography and your eye for design.